Sunday, 10 February 2008

Fine tuning of the HOC and the next challenges!

So, here I was - FCA in the making and now came the real hard work!
Although my first attempt at the HOC pillow worked quite well, the fabric choices did not really reflect and portray the image of the jewel tones of India so my first pillow was renamed by C. Nejman as "Out at lunch on the sea" and I was back at the start with my HOC to redo.

This was all good practice for me to perfect the techniques that are essential for this signature pillow designed by Christopher Nejman. I was more confident about using my embellishing machine and also trying new presser feet and sewing skills. Version 2 of the HOC is now a work in progress, so watch out for its release soon!

Meanwhile, further challenges had been set- the Tropical Winds (TW) and Ra pillows. Now, they looked amazing in the book but I could see much hard work ahead of me if I was to get these correct. Sourcing and choosing fabrics and trims was the first challenge to be overcome, and that certainly was a major one!
Whilst working on the TW pillow I had the great fortune and honour of being invited to join the master teacher certification online group. This invitation I accepted not knowing fully what I was about to embark upon...Little did I know!

There is much to learn in order to become a master FCA and sometimes things don't always go the way that I hope, but slowly I am working towards my certification, with 3 pillows now under construction. I am also learning to use my eye for colour and photography and keeping a digital portfolio of my steps along the way- the ones that work and the ones that don't!

This is certainly an adventure, not knowing what challenge is around the corner. Sometimes the ride is bumpy and sometimes smooth but it is SO exciting to be here and I will certainly be a different person when I get there...wherever that may be!!


Janie Glenn said...

Ann! Love Annie Lennox! That slide show is fabulous! and your photography is great! Janie

Janie Glenn said...

Ann! I love Annie Lennox and I love your blog! Great music and great info!