Wednesday, 30 January 2008

The adventure-the beginning

My adventures in punching land or the story of how a FCA was born.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin....
One day, during the summer of 2007, I was surfing the web in search of something new, interesting and different to view, when I happened upon a picture of a needle felting machine or should I say a needle punching machine? It was called an embellisher! So, what did this machine do? I read with interest and thought, wow, this sounds intriguing and without further ado, and I add, without seeing one in the flesh, I decided to buy it!
"Was that wise?" I hear you ask. Well, maybe not at the time but it felt right to do and so I eagerly awaited the arrival of the embellisher.
The embellisher arrived and I thought " What now?" So, I had a go and punched some felt onto some denim in the shape of a basket of flowers. Very pretty, but not state of the art and awe inspiring. However, it was early days and I was happy to think this machine had possibilities. Little did I know what was to come!

Not long after this chapter in the adventure I was again surfing when I came across a link for punching fabrics with designer techniques and a link to an online teaching group. I was intriqued. What was this and could I do it?.......

The link was to the entry group for Christopher Nejman's designer techniques using the embellisher in conjunction with fancy fabrics. I decided to join and see what this was all about as it sounded inspiring. This came at a very good point in my life when I was in need of inspiration to get going again in the sewing/craft world after a difficult few months in my life, so it seemed it was "meant to be". I read the messages and decided that, yes I could try this, so sent off for my book and DVD from the USA as they were not yet available in the UK.

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